Collaborating Partners

In our mission to promote personal and environmental health, we collaborate with a number of organizations who share our vision. Together with our partners, we put on events and undertake projects in the Driftless area encouraging whole health and nurturing relationships with the natural world.

The Driftless Area BioBlitz (DABB) partnership was formed in 2021. It is a unique collaboration of organizations in the La Crosse area that include Strive 2 Thrive Coulee Region, Mississippi Valley Conservancy, The Nature Place (formerly WisCorps), the UW-La Crosse Biology department, Viterbo University Biology department, and La Crosse City Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department. This collaboration was formed in order to promote the DABB program and give participants an opportunity to meet naturalists, get guidance on sharing discoveries on iNaturalist and learn more about the natural world and particularly the Driftless Area’s incredible biodiversity. Other promotional supporters include: La Crosse Public Library, ORA Trails, Sustainability Institute, and the following Neighborhood Associations: Downtown, Holy Trinity-Longfellow, Logan Northside and Powell-Poage-Hamilton.

Our partners