For a full list of our 2023 Spotlight on Nature events, go here.
(See details at the bottom of this page.)
Event focus: Insects (decomposers)
Join the DABB Team and WisCorps members in the WisCorps garden at Myrick Park and explore the wonderful world of DECOMPOSERS!
Listen to a book reading (readings start at 12:45 and will be done every 15 minutes) and then go and find decomposers in the WisCorps garden! There will be members of WisCorps including Stephanie Hanna, Environmental Education Manager, to help you find Worm McWorm and his decomposer friends! There will also be DABB Team members to help take photos and upload to iNaturalist to become a citizen scientist! This is a BioBlitz data collection event which encourages everyone with a cell phone or a camera and a computer to become a “citizen scientist.” Using the iNaturalist app or webpage, we will focus on finding and identifying insect species in the garden.
As a bonus, the first 50 children who attend Bugs in the Garden BioBlitz will receive a free copy of Nick Nichols’ book, “Worm McWorm & the Decomposers!”
Presenter: Nick Nichols, Author of Worm McWorm and the Decomposers along with the DABB Team and members of WisCorps.
About the Presenter: “Hello, my name is Nick and I am a proud veteran of the United States Marine Corps, motivated by a lifetime of public service. I walk the talk—I am a former recycling coordinator in Houston County, Minnesota, and prior to retirement in 2019 I was employed as the sustainability coordinator for La Crosse County. I live a sustainable lifestyle by growing a substantial amount of my own organic vegetables and fruit. My home is equipped with solar electric and water systems and I own a plug-in electric hybrid car. I am also the author of the novel Rednecks of the Dead (available on Amazon) and the children’s picture book I’m Hungry, I’m Hungry, I’m Hungry Too, which is a story used to educate children about hunger issues and how children can help solve them.”
Stephanie Hanna, WisCorps Environmental Education Manager: Hello! My name is Stephanie Hanna and I have been an educator in an informal nature setting in the La Crosse Area for 21 years. Before that I was a school teacher. My constant connection to nature ever since I played with and likely ate June bugs in my sandbox at a very young age has helped shape my role as an environmental/nature educator. I enjoy walking and hiking with Astro, my precocious poodle, as well as cycling, yoga, reading, and just being outdoors as much as possible.
The series, part of the Driftless Area BioBlitz 2022 Nature Challenge, is your chance to participate in a bioblitz with experts sharing their passion for and knowledge of the driftless region. There will be eight different events, each focusing on various taxa like fungi, moss and lichens, pollinator plants, birds, and insects, including nocturnal and decomposers.
Please note: